Terms and conditions

  • If you have any questions about this policy or wish to seek a refund of a donation, please email info@maiahealth.org.nz

    By proceeding to make a donation, you agree to accept these terms and conditions:

    Please ensure you have the authority to make a donation to us. Māia Health Foundation will refund donations that are proven to be fraudulent due to unauthorised use of a credit card.

    In all circumstances, refunds of donations will be at our discretion.

    All pricing is displayed in NZ$. All donations are tax deductible. For more information, visit the IRD website: http://www.ird.govt.nz

  • Select a single amount as suggested, or choose your own amount. You may make a bank transfer if you are located in New Zealand. If you live outside of New Zealand, we accept once-off donations by Credit Card through our online portal.

  • We accept recurring donations by Credit Card through our website. If you live in New Zealand, you may also set up a recurring bank transfer (Automatic Payment), this can be arranged through your bank or online banking. If you require further details please email info@maiahealth.org.nz

    Monthly recurring donations will be deducted on the 20th of each month.

    If you wish to cancel a recurring payment please contact us on info@maiahealth.org.nz

    Whilst you may cancel a donation subscription at any time, please be aware that we will not be able to refund any previous amount deducted. In most cases cancelling a recurring payment should be instant, however, in some cases, there may be a delay in processing a cancellation and therefore it’s possible an additional payment may be taken. Where this occurs, we will do our best to reverse any such payment, should you instruct us to do so.

  • When making a donation to us through this website, we ask you to provide certain contact information. Your information shall remain strictly private and shall not be divulged without your express permission.

    We take privacy and data security seriously. Any information you do provide (for example; your address, phone number, name and email address) will never be sold or passed on by us (except where legally required).