Fundraising through Move-4-Māia

We need your support, now more than ever. So, if you like to 'move it, move it' ... join the mission and Move-4-Māia!

  • We challenge you to run, jog or walk - move any way that you want, to raise money for Māia.

    Move in any way you can to show your support.

    Funds raised will be used to help vulnerable youth in our community be treated and cared for in an environment that supports their well-being; a place that they will want to go to for the help they need and to focus on being well.

    A modern outpatient hub is being planned that will dramatically improve treatment facilities for adolescent and youth mental health services.

    Take me directly to the Move-4-Māia Givealittle page. To find out more about how to set up a page, read on.

  • Givealittle is an online fundraising platform for all New Zealanders, which is dedicated to connecting New Zealand causes with generous online donors. It is our preferred way to fundraise online and it only takes a few minutes to set up!

  • A ‘fundraiser page’ is what you need to create if you’re fundraising on behalf of Māia Health Foundation. A fundraiser page will link directly to Māia’s verified Givealittle page so all funds raised will go directly to the Foundation. Donations over $5 are eligible for tax credit and donors will be automatically receipted by Givealittle.

    So… to participate go to and search for ‘maia health’. Click on your Move for Māia school/business page, click on Participate and follow the instructions from there. Once you have registered you will be guided through setting up your own fundraising page. This page will become the home to all your fundraising activity and used for sharing your story and request for donations to your family and friends.

  • There has been a 43% increase in the number of people requiring Specialist Mental Health Service care over the last 10 years.

    Child, Adolescent and Family (CAF) Service demand has increased even more rapidly than the adult service:

    • A 108% increase in new presentations in the past six years

    • Compared to 36% increase to the adult service, against a backdrop of 10% population increase

    • Equates to 300 more children requiring mental health services every month than prior to the earthquakes

    CAF Outpatient services are currently spread across three locations in the city.

    Learn more about the Youth Mental Health project here.

Help raise funds for child and youth mental health